1. The organization will henceforth be known as the Critics Association of Central Florida (CACF).
2. “Central Florida” shall be defined as the major markets of Orlando and Tampa, and any location within a one-hundred mile radius of either city.

The mission of the Critics Association of Central Florida is as follows:
1. To represent the interests of the film critics in the Central Florida area.
2. To encourage the growth of the film critic community in the Central Florida area.
3. To annually honor the best in cinematic achievement.

1. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP will be allowed for members who:
  a. Publish content on a regular basis (defined as at least 25 new release reviews per calendar year).
  b. Reside in Central Florida, as defined by the bylaws, for at least three months of the year.
  c. Have an active Central Florida mailing address.
  d. To remain in good standing, members must complete a minimum of 25 new release reviews per calendar year. If a member completes more than 12 reviews, but less than 25, they are placed on a one-year probationary period.
  e. A member can only be placed on the probation list once within a three year span. If a member is placed on the list a second time within this window, they are subject to removal from the group.
2. There shall be no limit to the amount of members in the organization. A maximum of three journalists representing an outlet as their primary publication may be members of the organization at any given time.
3. There shall be no dues to participate in the organization. Any funds necessary to conduct the organization’s business shall be raised by voluntary contribution from the membership.
4. EMERITUS STATUS may be given to members who have been an active member within the organization for at least two years, but no longer meet one of the requirements for active membership (no longer actively publish content, or no longer live in Central Florida). Once requested, emeritus status can be given by a simple majority vote by membership. Members emeritus may keep their affiliation with the organization but receive no voting privileges in matters of business or year-end awards, nor should a member emeritus serve on the committee.
  a. Founding members Sean Boelman, Billy Joynt, Joshua Ryan, and Adam Sirdoreus automatically qualify for emeritus status for life.
5. PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS must meet all requirements for active membership, and may submit themselves for consideration. A scout as designated by the committee shall then vet the application, and will present qualified candidates for inclusion to the membership. New members shall be inducted by a simple majority.
  a. Qualifications evaluated for inclusion in the organization may include: reach, quality of writing, professionalism of presentation, and voice or perspective in writing.
  b. Membership applications will be open from March 15th to July 15th of any given year.
  c. New members must be inducted by August 31 to be included in that year's awards voting process.
6. A roster shall be kept by the committee with the information of all active and emeritus members.
7. Members shall be expected to conduct themselves with the utmost integrity and ethics. No harassment of any kind will be allowed, and members shall be expected to follow all guidelines set by the organization and studios. Should a member be found to be in violation of this policy, they may be stripped of their membership by the committee.
  a. Members are expected to adhere to all strict embargoes set by the studios.
 b. Members are not to attend any screenings to which they were not invited.
8. Active members who do not vote in matters of business or year-end awards may be disciplined. A member may be removed from the organization after missing 2 consecutive votes or 3 total votes in a three-year period.
9. Members may be disciplined by the organization for a violation of these bylaws after a majority vote by the committee. The committee can issue a warning, place the offending member in probationary status, or remove the offending member, at their discretion, depending on the severity and frequency of their violation. If a member is in probationary status and repeats the same infraction, or receives three total probations, they will be removed from the organization. Probationary status lasts for a period of one year.
  a. Any member on probation will not be included on the active member lists sent to studios.
  b. If a member of the group is subject to removal, they shall be granted a period of one week (seven days) from the time the board sends the removal notification via email to provide a response. This response can be sent through email or by utilizing documentation provided to the member for this purpose. If no response is received by the board within the seven day period, the member waives their right to appeal the removal.

1. The board will consist of a minimum of 5 members, so long as there are as many members voted into those positions, and a maximum of 7 members, so long as the member size of the CACF demands additional board members. If the member size of the CACF grows to more than 40, but less than 49, a 6th board position will be made available. If the member size grows to 49 or above, a 7th board position will be made available.
2. Elections for the committee shall be conducted yearly in June by self-nomination and a vote by a simple majority of the membership.
3. The initial committee shall consist of the members Sean Boelman, Billy Joynt, Joshua Ryan, and Adam Sirdoreus. The first election shall occur in June of 2022.
4. In addition to the elected committee, there are positions that will be appointed by the committee members for the sake of smooth operation:
  a. SPOKESPERSON: The committee shall designate one of its own to be the spokesperson for the organization. This person will be responsible for all communications with non-members, including but not limited to PR firms and studios.
  b. POLL OFFICER: The committee shall designate one of its own to run all voting needs for the organization. The poll officer shall not have any vote regarding issues of membership or committee election, but will retain their right to vote in business issues not related to membership and year-end awards.
  c. TALENT SCOUT: The committee shall designate one of its own to vet new applicants to the organization.
  d. WEBMASTER: A member (of the committee or general membership) shall be selected by the committee to maintain the website of the organization and fill any related needs, such as graphic design.
  e. Additional powers may be delegated by the committee as deemed necessary and reasonable.
5. No more than one representative from any given outlet should serve on the committee at one time.

1. Awards will be given by the organization in early January of every year.
2. Voting for awards will be via preferential ballot system, and is to be conducted in late December of each year.
  a. For each regular category, active members are to pick their top five choices in the category. Five points will be assigned to choice one, four to choice two, and so on. Points will be tallied from overall membership to decide a winner and runner-up for each category.
  b. Members must list five films on their ballot for each regular category they wish to vote in. If an active member has not seen five films eligible for a regular category, they are asked to abstain in said category, but may vote in the remainder of the awards.
  c. Special category awards should be decided by a nomination process in which the membership submits suggestions for the honor, the committee selects two films from the suggestions, and the general membership votes between the two nominees or that neither should be honored.
   i. If neither of the nominees receives a simple majority vote among members who do not abstain, there will be no winner in the special honor that year.
 d. Dishonest voting in matters of business or year-end awards is punishable up to and including removal from the organization.
3. Voting shall be held via online voting system, to be determined based on available technology.
  a. The members of the committee must vote before the ballot is sent to the general membership.
4. REGULAR CATEGORIES for voting include: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Cast, Best Documentary, Best International Film, Best Animated Feature, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Score, Best Original Song Hair & Make Up, Best Production Design, Best Visual Effects, Best Costume Design, Best Stunt Coordination, Best Editing, Best Sound Design, Hybrid Performance, and First Feature Director.
5. SPECIAL CATEGORIES include Best Central Florida Film, Best Achievement in Diversity, and any other special honors which the membership deems necessary to award in any given year.
6. ELIGIBILITY for films seeking awards shall be defined as:
  a. Films released between the dates of January 1 and December 31 of the applicable year, whether in theaters, on streaming, or otherwise for at-home viewing.
  b. Films which screened for critics in Central Florida (Orlando or Tampa) via in-person press screening or screener.
    i. A film is disqualified from the CACF Yearly Awards if a screening is not held in-person (or a digital screener is not made available) ahead of the film's theatrical release. Members from both markets must be provided the opportunity to watch the film.
    ii. If a screening only occurs in one of the major markets, the members of the other market must also be invited by the studio or public relations firm handling the screening. If only members from a single market are invite, the film is disqualified.
      a. A film can requalify later in the year if a "For Your Consideration" screener (digital or physical) is sent to the full membership prior to the screening deadline.
  c. FOR BEST INTERNATIONAL FILM, a film is defined as being “international” as long as it originates from outside the United States. Preference should be given to films primarily not in English.
  d. FOR BEST CENTRAL FLORIDA FILM, a film is defined as being from “Central Florida” if it has a significant connection to the Central Florida area.
    i. Members must participate in the vote for the Best Central Florida Film at least once every two years. Members must watch all the finalists for the award, as chosen by the committee, prior to voting.
  e. Beginning January 1, 2025, any film that receives a critics screening in Central Florida, but is not screened for both Orlando and Tampa markets, or that does not allow both markets to attend a screening in one city, will not be eligible to win Best Picture regardless of whether or not FYC materials are provided.
7. DEADLINES for awards are as follows:
 a. Voting will begin no later than final Monday of the month of December, and close on the following Friday.
 b. The screening deadline for members to have watched eligible films is the date and time voting begins. Any films seen following the screening deadline should not be considered.
8. The winners of the awards shall be announced by the organization and members via their social media channels.

1. Amendments to by-laws may be suggested by any active member in the organization.
2. Amendments to by-laws may be ratified by a vote of simple majority held via online voting.
3. The board, consisting of members voting into position by group majority, will be responsible for writing and putting into place new and/or revised bylaws.